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Emergency Preparedness in Indian Country and Tribal Preservation Planning Needs

The Before and After Disasters Guide is intended to illustrate the ways the federal government may assist historic preservation offices following a presidentially declared disaster. This guidance is intended for all state, territorial, and Tribal historic preservation leaders. It contains information on preparedness, response, recovery, and a checklist for each.  It is available online: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/historicpreservationfund/upload/Before_and_After_Disasters_Guide-online-form.pdf

Based on mounting evidence of climate change, Indian Tribes will be called upon to respond to more frequent and more intense natural events that have the potential to damage or destroy valued Tribal natural and cultural resources, cultural heritage, sacred sites and historic properties (in this Report, collectively referred to as “cultural resources”). NATHPO, in partnership with the Narragansett Indian Tribal Historic Preservation Office (NITHPO), has prepared this report, Emergency Preparedness in Indian Country and Tribal Preservation Planning Needs: Recommendations and Resources for Tribes and Other Stakeholders, to assist NITHPO; other Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs); and other stakeholders, including but not limited to State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs); Federal, State, Tribal and local emergency management personnel and cultural resource stewards; and nongovernmental organizations and community members in taking action to better integrate cultural resources into emergency preparedness and response. Click here to read 59-page report


The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) will host a series of virtual training courses in support of our Tribal Nations Training Plan from March 22 – April 30, 2021. This training will be provided by the CDP, partners of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC), and the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC). Our training is completely funded for state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency responders.

Virtual Tribal Nations Training | 2021 – Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (ruraltraining.org)


Sample Model Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) Integrating Cultural Resources:
 Model HMP (Word) (automatic download, 96KB)
 Model HMP (PDF)

Sample Model Tribal HMP with Annex Integrating Cultural Resources:
 Tribal Model (Word) (automatic download, 649KB)
 Tribal Model (PDF)

Sample Tribal Emergency Response Committee Structure

Sample Mutual Aid Agreement

NATHPO March 13, 2017, Webinar Slides

DOWNLOAD this PDF: NATHPO budget form
Save to your computer and use Acrobat Reader to fill in the fields.

Internet Resources for Tribes