THPO Workshops & Webinars
NATHPO Info - YouTube: Many of our recent webinars & workshops can be found on NATHPO's YouTube channel. Please like and subscribe!!
Our Story Bridge Webinar
On July 5, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) OurStoryBridge presented a one-hour webinar with Q&A about the IMLS grant they will write, partnering with several Federally Recognized Tribes to create online short-form oral history projects in additional Indigenous communities. You can learn more about OurStoryBridge, a nonprofit organization, at
Partners in the project will be trained to create their story projects, with hardware, software, translation into Native languages, staffing, marketing, and other assistance paid for during the first two years. See for an example with personal narratives told by members of the Igiugig community.
Click here to see the PowerPoint presented during the webinar.
NATHPO October Webinar Featuring Decolonization Expert Stacy Laravie
This webinar featured one of our newest team members, Stacy Laravie (Ponca) former THPO for the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, who serves as NATHPO's Decolonization Specialist. Stacy introduced herself and talked about the work she's doing with NATHPO.
The work of THPOs is a sacred duty that, when done in a good way, is spiritually grounded – it’s all connected! We are excited to support your efforts in a more holistic way and we are honored and delighted to have Stacy join team NATHPO to guide our work with her many gifts.
Please note: this event is for THPOs and Tribal affiliates only.
Other partners, agencies, organizations, and federal/state representatives will have other opportunities to hear from her in the future.

Jaime Arsenault is the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO), Repatriation Representative, and Archives Manager for the White Earth Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe.
The Role of Archives in Truth and Healing: The upcoming publication of a list of Catholic-operated Native boarding schools. NATHPO virtually hosted a webinar Monday, April 10 at 12:00 pm ET/ 9:00 am PT on this topic.
As a first step toward making boarding school archival records more accessible to Tribal Nations, the Archivists for Congregations of Women Religious (ACWR) and the Archives committee of the grassroots network the Catholic Native Boarding School Accountability and Healing Project (AHP) will soon publish a working list of Native boarding schools that were operated by Catholic entities in the 19th and 20th centuries. Though still a work-in-progress, the Catholic-operated boarding school list includes the name(s), location, and dates of operation for each school; religious communities and dioceses involved at each school (and tips for how to locate the records held by these institutions); and the historic names for Tribal Nations that are known to have been impacted by each school.
The information on the list has been cross-referenced with the Department of Interior’s 2022 list, with the Official Catholic Directory, and whenever possible, with appropriate religious communities and dioceses.
Jaime Arsenault, THPO for the White Earth Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Nation, will speak about the important role that archives can play in the truth and healing process for survivors, descendants, and Tribal Nations. Michele Levandoski, archivist for the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Milwaukee, WI, will provide context for how and why this list was created, and guidance for how best to use the information on the list to locate archival records for your Tribal community members. There was time for questions and to offer input and feedback on how to improve this process.
Additional information on Catholic-Run Boarding Schools:
- Inside the effort to identify Catholic-run boarding schools for Indigenous children
- Native American Boarding School Contact Information
- One-Pager: Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the U.S. Act
- Catholic Truth and Healing Talk_4-10-23 Presentation
- Catholic-operated US Native boarding schools (A collaborative group of archivists, historians, concerned Catholics, and Tribal members compiled and refined this resource to help facilitate access to information for survivors of Native boarding schools, their descendants, and Tribal Nations.)
BLM Rulemaking Webinar
June 6, 2023, NATHPO and The Wilderness Society hosted a webinar: Living Lands and Waters: opportunities for creating partnerships with Tribal Nations and protecting cultural lands through Bureau of Land Management rulemaking. During the webinar we discussed the BLM rulemaking template comments for Tribal Nations.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a proposed rule on “Conservation and Landscape Health”. The proposal directs BLM to manage public lands for ecosystem resilience, including through use of Indigenous Knowledge. It also specifically addresses and strengthens BLM’s obligation to prioritize the designation and protection of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs), including opportunities for co-stewardship and protection of cultural resources. TWS and NATHPO also commissioned a report, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern and Indian Tribes covering this topic.
Draft Comments on TCP Bulletin 38

The NPS is inviting comments on the Draft TCP Bulletin, with a deadline for submitting comments on April 30, 2023. Official information can be found on the NPS website. NATHPO held a webinar on Friday, April 14 at 1:00 pm ET/ 10:00 am PT on the proposed revisions to National Register Bulletin 38 (TCPs). Our legal expert, Wesley Furlong (NARF) will walk you through key points in NATHPO's draft comments, and we would be grateful to hear about what you are planning to comment as well. This was an interactive dialogue as we prepare feedback for NPS to revise this important guidance and better protect Native places.
Click here for webinar recording
National Register Bulletin 38 Revisions Overview: Wesley James Furlong Senior Staff Attorney, NARF
THPO Toolkit Webinar: Section 106 Discussion
Thursday, May 19, from 1:00-3:00 pm ET
This toolkit workshop includes:
- a concise "101" on NHPA Section 106;
- introduction of a new guide in the works by the United Auburn Indian Community Preservation Department that inserts tribal values into the Section 106 process;
- pro tips from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe THPO;
- interactive discussion and Q&A with the panel and your THPO peers.
You will gain valuable insights on key points, lessons learned, and practical Native perspectives on working with Section 106 as THPOs. This is an opportunity for THPOs of all experience levels to come together in support of each other and our work in Protecting Native Places. And please note that ALL are welcome to participate (not just THPOS). We are really excited about this discussion! In case you were unable to join us, we recorded it.
Tribal Cultural Landscapes Workshop
NATHPO and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon's Tribal Historic Preservation Office, along with Eirik Thorsgard of BIA, invite you to join us for a three-part training workshop to help Tribes & their THPOs understand and use the Template for Tribal Data Collection from the Guidance Document for Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes.
Part 1 – June 8, 2022, Recording available here!
Part 1 featured CTGR THPO staff presenting their work on a TCL documentation project as a case study demonstration of how to use the Template. We used CTGR's case study to explain the 5 Template components in 30-minute segments.
Part 2 – December 7, 2022, from 12:00 – 5:00 pm EST
In Part 2, workshop presenters and instructors guided Tribal Representatives through the components of the Template step-by-step and helped them tailor it to their communities' needs.
Please note: Part 2 was only intended for Tribal leadership, representatives, and staff that are representing Tribes. Thank you for understanding part 2 of the workshop series was not designed for agency participation and was not recorded.
Part 3 was held during the 23rd Annual NATHPO Conference.
Additional information on TCLs:
Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes Volume I: Project Framework
Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes Volume II: Tribal Case Studies
Racist and Offensive Place Names: The movement to rename mountains, rivers, & valleys
On April 19, 2022, the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, The Natural History Museum and The Wilderness Society hosted a webinar on changing racist and offensive place names.
In case you missed it, a recording is available.
Tribal Lands and Cultural Areas Draft Bills Discussion
May 17, 2022, NATHPO hosted Chairman Raúl M. Grijalva from House Committee on Natural Resources & Senator Martin Heinrich, as well as staff from both offices, to talk about two important draft bills: “Advancing Tribal Parity on Public Lands Act” & “Tribal Cultural Areas System Act.” These bills would help elevate the role of Tribal Nations for the protection of cultural and sacred sites on federal lands. To see resources and more information about these bills, click here.
Click here to view: 2022-05-17 Tribal Lands and Cultural Areas Bills
turboTHPO: Introductory Workshop
Expert help establishing a Tribal Historic Preservation Office
turboTHPO 2021/2022: Expert help drafting the NPS THPO Application
Registration closed for this year's virtual workshop!
This webinar was not recorded, to create a safe space for sharing
Find more information on the workshop flyer
• CTGR THPO Redacted Application • Example Application Pascua Yaqui Tribe 2019
**Additional reference links at bottom of page**
Panel discussion on best practices for effective THPOs. High-level overview presentations on the following:
- NAGPRA: overview, recent developments, participant poll on topics and needs.
- Laws affecting tribes: NHPA, Section 106, National Register, APA, legal foundation for TCLs & TCPs.
- Tribal Cultural Landscapes: shifting the paradigm on how cultural resource management is done.
- Questions & discussion.
Tim McKeown – NATHPO Repatriation Consigliere, Legal Anthropologist
Wesley Furlong – Native American Rights Fund
Lance Foster (Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska) – Vice Chair, THPO, NATHPO Board
If you are a newly established THPO, a Tribe working on getting your NPS application, or even an established THPO program, this workshop will be a resource for you. We have heard from many Tribes that tell us once your THPO program is formally established with the National Park Service, the workload grows exponentially – and it can feel like it happens almost overnight.
With that in mind this forum, for “baby THPOs” and “elder THPOs” alike, will bring the family together and build a community of practice. So You’re a THPO, Now What? will provide resources and best practices for those establishing their office or looking to streamline processes.
2021 Grants-travaganza!
Learn about funding opportunities open and upcoming from NPS, IMLS, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
National Park Service: Opportunities through the State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division (STLPG).
Institute of Museum and Library Services; Office of Museums and Library Services office:
- 2021 OMS and OLS Presentation
- Institute of Museum and Library Sciences library grant programs
- Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services (NANH) grant program
National Trust for Historic Preservation:
National Park Service – State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants: STLPG Competitive Grants Quick List
**More extensive grant information can be found on NATHPO's Grant Opportunities page.
July 2021 THPO Talk
Please join us for July 2021's THPO Talk! Hear from two Tribal Historic Preservation Officers about their THPO programs and experiences: Michael Black Wolf of Fort Belknap Indian Community and Lance Foster of Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska.
Additional Resources related to Workshop & Webinar Topics
- NPS: THPO Grant Application Information
- Section by Section Training Slides
- Self-Guided Training Checklist
- Timeline Slide
- Pascua Yaqui THPO MOA 2019
- Section 106 Examples
- Examples Historic Preservation Planning
- National Register Examples