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THPO Line in HPF Increased by 50% in President’s Budget & House Bill


The President’s Budget for fiscal year 2022 includes $151.8 million for HPF programs — fittingly, this would be the first time it is fully funded at its original authorized amount. The HPF budget includes an $8.0 million increase for Tribal Historic Preservation Offices and $2.0 million for State Historic Preservation Offices. Read more about the full breakdown here. That’s right — this would be a ~50% increase from the FY21 appropriation of $15 million for THPOs! NATHPO is proud of our efforts in partnership with NCSHPO to get the number to this point. Admittedly, the President’s Budget is a placeholder and signifier of Administration priorities, BUT…

The House Interior Appropriations Bill passed this week maintains this level of funding for THPOs and SHPOs and further increases the total HPF amount! If you want to be a part of getting this historic increase across the finish line, here is a letter template you can personalize for the Senate. Legislators prefer that you send these to your own Senators.

You know that your federal funding is inadequate, but feel free to use any or all points in the letter, with personalized touches, and here also is NATHPO’s handout on THPO funding in the HPF (we’re gonna need a bigger graph!). Letters will be most effective if received by August 27, 2021. This is just the beginning of closing the funding gap and acknowledging the growing number of THPOs in the family each year!
